Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

Remote reading sessions by phone or video call (Zoom). 

Gain some clarity, make a hard choice, or find answers with a reading today.

30 Minute Reading

1-on-1 remote reading (phone or Zoom). Personal guidance, answers and insights for one subject/ one question using tarot and oracle decks. 

Get insights about your love life, direction for your career path, guidance on your life path, or answers to your most pressing issues.


1 Hour Reading

1-on-1 remote reading (phone or Zoom). 1 hour allows time for a more in-depth reading. When the answer to one question leads to others, we dive in for follow-up and clarifications using the tarot and oracle decks. 

Get insights about your love life, direction for your career path, guidance on your life path or answers to your most pressing issues. 



Meet Your Spirit Guide

I’ll personally guide you through a remote meditation session (phone or Zoom) to connect with your spirit guide(s). We’ll communicate with your spirit guide(s) and discover how to develop a beneficial relationship with them.
Up to 1 hour session


Discover Your SuperPower

Would you like to discover what your mystical strengths are and how you can use them daily to navigate your way to a better life path? Everyone has intuitive abilities to a degree. Using my intuitive gifts, combined with Tarot and Oracle cards we’ll uncover your mystic strengths, find your stumbling blocks, and get advice from spiritual friends who show up to our meeting.

Up to 75 minute session


Attachment Removal

More Info

Because this is a uniquely personal situation, I offer a free 15 minute consult to determine if an attachment or entity removal is necessary and if it will benefit you. These sessions start at $250 and can take up to 3 hours. They can be done in person or remotely.

What is an attachment or entity?

Sometimes you just know when something is off. A feeling like you’re being watched even when you’re alone, a heavy weight on your chest, unexplained sudden chronic pain, or behavior that is out of the ordinary could be just a few symptoms of an entity that has decided to attach itself to you and feed off of your energy.

An attachment is not a possession.

Years of practice interacting with different types of entities have given me the experience to rid people of harmful entity attachments, leaving the client to live in peace. Contact me if you want to learn more.

  • All sessions are for adults 18 years old or older.
  • Payment is required when booking a reading or class.
  • Any information presented in a reading session is not meant to replace psychological, legal, medical, or other professional advice or services. My services provide guidance and insight to help clients make better life choices for their happiness and fulfillment. Clients are always free to make their own choices at will, regardless of the interpretation of the information.